Why replace existing filter sand with Dryden AFM Activated Filter Media ?
Improve your swimming pool water quality
There is nothing quite as inviting as a sparkling, clear blue pool. And nothing quite as off-putting as a murky, debris-filled one. No one wants to dive into a dirty pool; it just feels wrong and unsafe. As it turns out, this is a very accurate instinct. Dirty water can carry all sorts of bacteria, such as E. Coli, and can cause diseases such as recreational water illness. Therefore, it is important to have a powerful filter system to protect swimmers. But not all filter systems are created equal, and some chemical systems, as it turns out, can even be harmful.
Anyone who has been to a public pool knows what chlorine smells like; in fact, it is one of the classic scents of summer. Besides public pools, zoos and aquariums that house mammals such as dolphins, whales, and sea lions usually keep them in chlorinated water to keep bacteria and diseases from hurting the animal population. Unfortunately, it turns out that harmful trichloramines, what gives chlorine its distinctive scent, can cause fatal lung infections in many of these mammals. Dr. Howard Dryden discovered this unfortunate side effect of chlorinated water and set out to create a naturally effective pool filter that used fewer chemicals and was less toxic to the animals. The result of his efforts is Activate & Enhance, a complete filtration solution that offers a far more efficient and cost-effective alternative to sand filters. This innovation has saved the lives of dolphins, sea lions, and other mammals, along with thousands of customer dollars.
Unlike a normal sand filter, which needs to have its sand replenished every three years, Activate is a permanent media. It also has more filtering surface area than sand, making it a far more efficient and effective filter media, particularly with super fine particulate. Best of all, Activate can be used in any existing sand filter; just replace your sand with the Activate media, and you’re good to go. Our solution is WQA certified to meet NSF 50 industry standards for safe and clean water and is sustainably designed and built from recycled materials.
AFM is not just better for you or the environment, it’s just plain better. With 300 times more dirt-trapping surface area than sand, AFM also features a negatively charged filter to attract and capture bacteria resulting in cleaner and clearer water and, unlike traditional sand filters, AFM is 100% anti-bacterial and self-sterilizing to prevent its further growth, resulting in healthier water. Because of its filtering power, it can accomplish these tasks while still using 30% fewer chemicals than a normal sand filter.
Every pool owner and swimmer want the cleanest, clearest, and safest pool water possible. The best way to achieve this is with the AFM from poolandspa.ph.